Contact Cards now Show Mobile Phone

Project contact cards are helpful in finding out how to get in touch with people. We have now programmed all phone numbers to appear on the cards when they are available and hide when they are not available. Mobile numbers were hidden in the contact details until now.

Master Project PDF

Master project profiles are set up differently than project profiles so that they can be the holding project for other projects. We have made it possible to print these master projects similar to the child projects they hold. In the rendering view of the master, you will now find a […]

Completed Project Identification

Stamps and color indications when a project is complete.  We have now made it easier to quickly identify completed projects. If a project status is set to Project Completed The background color of the project profile will change from White to Grey  and there will be a pink stamp in […]

App Status on Twitter

If you are experiencing any problems with the app, it is possible that we are performing maintenance on the site or there is a problem with a server. Whatever the issue may be, we will post it to our DATABEX Status Twitter account. Be sure to follow us on Twitter […]


DATABEX Terminology Project ID – This is DATABEX’s internal project numbering system. It is a 3- or 4-digit number and the higher the number, the more recent the project has been added to the database. Estimated Value – This is either a hard number or range that DATABEX was given […]


BOA – Board of Adjustment BIM – Building Information Modeling BOS – Board of Supervisors CC – City Council CD – Construction Documents CIP – Capital Improvement Program CMAR – Construction Manager at Risk CUP – Conditional Use Permit DA – Development Agreement DB – Database DBE – Disadvantaged Business […]

Terms of Use

Last updated: May 1st, 2020 Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using DATABEX operated by AZ Builder’s Exchange LLC. Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned upon your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who […]