Statuses Defined

Status: The status of a project is for a quick glance to determine what stage a project will be in. To get more detailed information, a user should also check the Status Notes and detailed description to learn more about any given project. Below is a list of the Statuses and their general definitions that DATABEX uses to identify project stages. The definitions of these terms may vary between owners, design firms, and contractors and from company to company, although their general usage is similar, and DATABEX works to ensure each project is labeled as accurately as possible.



Added to CIP indicates that the project was identified from a public municipality’s CIP. (Capital Improvement Plan or Capital Development Program) If it is in this status it is in an early planning stage and may not move forward as quickly as if it had the “Planning” status. Typically, only funding has been allocated by Fiscal Year at this stage.

Design indicates that the project’s engineer/architect is currently designing the project. This includes all processes of design (except preliminary design) and is only placed under this status after confirmation with a project contact.

Design/Plan Review indicates the project is currently going through the city/county review process. This includes meetings such as planning commission, design review board, planning hearing officer meetings, site plan reviews, town/city council meetings, and all other meetings required for a project’s design/zoning to be approved. This typically leads directly into “Pre-Construction” or “In Negotiations”.

Pending Funding/In Negotiations: This stage encompasses projects that are in negotiations for a public procurement for development services, or when a project has completed design but a GC has not yet been selected.

Master Plan projects are large scale developments that include the planning, design and construction of multiple projects. Master Plans display all the associated projects; each associated project will have its own status, design firm and prime contractor.

Pending Funding indicates that the project may have reached any stage in development, but that it does not have the funding to move forward.

Phase Completed indicates one of the project’s multiple phases has completed construction. It may also be used simultaneously with “Phase Under Construction”, as there can be multiple phases tracked for a single project. The status notes will clarify which phase has been completed, as well as any other information that BEX has available.

Phase Under Construction indicates that one of the project’s multiple phases is under construction. It may also be used simultaneously with “Phase Completed”, as there can be multiple phases tracked for a single project. The status notes will clarify which phase is under construction, as well as any other information that BEX has available.

Planning could indicate numerous stages in the planning process. The project could be waiting for approval from a Governing Board, studies being conducted, design procurement, or scheduling of future projects. Typically, the Planning stage occurs before “Design” has started.

Pre-Construction varies depending on the owner, design firm, and GC, but typically indicates that a GC/CMAR has been selected and the design phase is in “Design/Plan Review” or that “Design” has been completed, and major construction has yet to start. There are instances where both “Design” and Pre-Construction run simultaneously.

Pre-Planning indicates that a project has been announced or land has been acquired, but no further action has been taken to move development further.

Project Canceled indicates that the project has been announced by the owner as canceled and is no longer intending to pursue development.

Project Completed indicates that the project is complete and will no longer be updated it in DATABEX.

Project on Hold indicates that the project is paused for whatever reason. When a project is on hold, it is checked periodically until its confirmed canceled, or has resumed development.

Under Construction indicates that the project is in the construction stage. Status notes should be checked for when construction started and when it is expected to be complete or reference the timeline of the project.

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