
BOA – Board of Adjustment
BIM – Building Information Modeling
BOS – Board of Supervisors
CC – City Council
CD – Construction Documents
CIP – Capital Improvement Program
CMAR – Construction Manager at Risk
CUP – Conditional Use Permit
DA – Development Agreement
DB – Database
DBE – Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
DD – Design Development
DRB – Design Review Board/Development Review Board
DRC – Design Review Commission/Development Review Commission
FAA – Federal Aviation Administration
GB – Groundbreaking
GC – General Contractor
GIS – Geographic Information System
GMP – Guaranteed Maximum Price
GSF – Gross Square Feet
IDIQ – Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity
IFB – Invitation for Bid
IID – Infill Incentive District
JOC – Job Order Contract
JRC – Joint Review Committee
JV – Joint Venture
LEED – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
LF – Linear Foot
MGD – Main Gate District
MOB – Medical Office Building
MOD – Method of Delivery
P3 – Public-Private Partnership
PC – Planning Commission
PD – Preliminary Design
PHO – Planning Hearing Officer
PO – Purchase Order
PZ/P&Z – Planning and Zoning
RFI – Request for Information
RFP – Request for Proposals
RFQ – Request for Qualifications
RFQuote – Request for Quotes
SBE – Small Business Enterprise
SD – Schematic Design
SF – Square Footage
TBD – To Be Determined
UC – Under Construction
VPC – Village Planning Committee
ZA – Zoning Adjustment
ZE – Zoning Examiner

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